RonaDeck EcoAgg UV is a resin bound aggregate surface for pedestrian traffic. RonaDeck EcoAgg UV surfaces are decorative and functional, seamless and slightly flexible. The open matrix allows water to drain through to the base, eliminating water ponding and allowing water to drain to planted areas or land drains. The system is designed to be SuDS compliant reducing the impact of development on flood risk and allowing water to flow into water courses. Edgings created from brick, stone, timber or steel should be installed to retain and protect the resin bound surfacing.
RonaDeck EcoAgg UV comprises RonaDeck EcoAgg UV Resin, a two component UV stable polyurethane resin which binds the aggregate. RonaDeck EcoAgg UV provides an attractive surface, is strong enough for foot traffic, and is highly porous. RonaDeck EcoAgg UV is typically applied to compacted Type 3 aggregate to provide a thin alternative to asphalt or concrete. RonaDeck EcoAgg UV is designed for light foot traffic only. It is not designed for road surfacing, drives or car parks.