Solvent free epoxy resin primer for adhesion to dry concrete and polymer modified screeds


RonaFloor Epoxy Primer is a two pack solvent free primer for application to dry concrete and polymer screeded substrates. RonaFloor Epoxy Primer is typically used to prime concrete before application of RonaFloor epoxy floorings, for excellent adhesion and minimal pin holing from porous substrates.


Application Conditions
The workability and application characteristics of RonaFloor Epoxy Primer are adversely affected by low temperature; viscosity and curing time will increase. Therefore the material should ideally be stored, mixed and applied at 15°C to 20°C. At lower application temperatures the material should be stored at or warmed to 15°C to 20°C prior to use. Application characteristics are severely affected below 10°C, minimum application temperature is 5°C.


Supplied in 5, 10 and 15kg composite packs, consisting of Base A & Hardener B.


RonaFloor Epoxy Primer should be stored in unopened containers in dry warehouse conditions between 10°C and 25°C and protected from direct sunlight and frost. Shelf life is approximately 9 months in these conditions

RonaFloor Epoxy Primer Technical Performance Data

Pot life30 minutes
Intercoat period24 hours
Apply flooring after24 hours
Water vapour permeability<3 gm/m²/day
Coverage3.5-4.0m²/kg (per coat)
Bond strength to concrete (dry)>2.5N/mm²
Bond strength to concrete (wet)>1.5N/mm²

Our Product range

RonaScreed FastDry Prompt – benefits and drying

RonaScreed FastDry Prompt (formerly RonaScreed 8 Day Overlay) is so-called because it is a fast-drying screed additive which enables a 50mm thickness of 3:1 sand/ cement screed to be overlaid with moi ...

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Drying of Screeds

BS 8204-1 “Concrete bases and cementitious levelling screeds to receive floorings — Code of practice” section 6.11.1 suggests the following calculation for drying of screeds with no fast drying additi ...

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Avoidance/ Mitigation Of The Effects Of Common Forms Of Cracking In Cementitious Screeds

Aggregate is usually 0–4 mm and is mixed with cement in the ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 cement to sand, depending on strength requirements and drying requirements. For total screed thicknesses in excess of 50 ...

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